I remain fully opposed to the Future Fit plan to remove vital services from Telford’s Princess Royal and I will continue to work with the community to do all I can to stop this.
This proposal has not considered the needs or concerns of Telford. This is a plan decided upon by unaccountable bureaucrats. The Future Fit lead, David Evans, has refused my constituents the courtesy of explaining how this decision which he has championed will affect them - he has never sought to justify his plans from the perspective of a Telford resident.
All elected representatives in Telford are standing up for our area - self evidently this is not a party political issue. This is about stopping hospital management from removing local services - a record £312m of funding has been made available and of course some of this must be ring fenced for Telford's A&E.
As Telford’s MP I was elected to stand up for my constituents and ensure their needs and concerns are addressed. That is my top priority. Prime Minister Boris Johnson is fully committed to improving NHS services and levelling up left behind towns. This is the central plank of the his domestic policy agenda. That is why I have asked the PM to intervene and reverse the decision taken by NHS management; there is hope a solution will be found.
I continue to work with the Secretary of State to ensure any A&E Local proposal is 24/7 and consultant led.
Of concern, however, is that it appears decision makers have been working off inaccurate data concerning night time attendance at Telford’s A& E. A year ago the Hospital Minister was told by advisers that night time attendance averaged 12 people per night between 8:00pm and 8:00am. This inaccurate data came from NHS improvement. I gave the Minister the correct data backed up with supporting evidence. The evidence showed A&E night time attendance in fact averaged 50 people per night.
Then yesterday a senior member of Government stated in good faith, that night time A&E attendance in Telford averaged 5 people per night. This extraordinary statement suggests ministers are continuing to receive inaccurate advice. If wholly inaccurate information is being given to ministers we need to understand how and why this is still happening and what impact it has had on decision making.
As work is done to shape some form of A&E for Princess Royal accurate data must be available so that local need can be properly met.This is a matter of serious concern. We will not give up the fight.
I am grateful for the overwhelming support I have had from constituents in continuing to champion this cause and in ensuring NHS management think again.