I can help residents in many ways and I am always happy to do what I can. However, depending on what the problem is, it may be quicker and easier for you to get in touch direct with the right organisation.
So, for example, if you have a problem with a local Council service, your local councillor will be the best person to help you and you should get in touch in with them.
You can find their details here. Alternatively you can phone the Council on 01952 380000. If it is a local issue the Council is normally the best place to start.
Telford is fortunate to have an excellent Citizens Advice Bureau. They are able to help with form filling, advising on benefits, housing and can even provide free legal advice. You can phone the CAB on 01952 459250.
I can help in areas that are Government responsibility such as benefits, immigration or tax or when the Council hasn't been able to help you.
If you would like my help please fill in the form below, including as much detail as possible, and my office will get in touch with you.
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