As an MP I help dozens of people every week.
People often contact my office when they have nowhere else left to turn. They may have a problem that has just occurred or they may have been battling away for years.
In many cases I am able to resolve or problems that constituents have been struggling with. Being able to help people is one of the reasons I stood for Parliament.
It is incredibly rewarding to be thanked by those I have helped just knowing I have been. Able to make a difference. Below is a selection of their feedback and thanks.
Dear Lucy with all the political turmoil that is happening in the world today ,and I expect more to come in 2017, I'm sure I speak for many when I express my gratitude for all the hard work you have done,and continue to do for the Telford community. (Susan, Novermber 2016, by email)
Just keep up the good work Lucy. (John, November 2016, survey response).
Thank you so much for listening & your support in speaking to Clive Jones. It matters so much that people listen & care in public service & our experience was so negative. Thanks again (Nigel and Penny, November 2016, letter).