The first parts of Telford are now able to enjoy superfast broadband as part of the £5.6 million 2 year scheme to connect 98% to the new fibre network.
120 households and businesses in the Doseley Road area of Dawley are set to become the first in Telford to be able to get speeds of up 80 Mbps.
Improving Telford’s digital infrastructure and economy was a key campaign issue of Lucy’s campaign and in 2014 she hosted a visit by Business Secretary Sajid Javid MP to highlight the importance of better broadband Telford.
Commenting on the broadband rollout, Lucy said: “It’s great to see the first stage of the broadband rollout go live.
“Improving our digital connections are vital to the Borough flourishing in the future. Not only is an effective high speed infrastructure important for businesses but for education, health and recreational purposes too.
“I look forward to the rest of the rollout and nearly all of Telford being able to enjoy the benefits of high speed internet.”