Telford MP, Lucy Allan is pleased to see that the once again the unemployment rate has fallen in the Telford constituency. The latest ONS figures show an unemployment rate of 2.6% compared to a regional average of 3%. Compared to the same time last year there are now 249 less people unemployed and compared to last month there are 46 less people unemployed. The rate of youth unemployment in the Telford constituency has also improved on the same time last year with 105 les young people out of work representing a 26.6% fall in youth unemployment. Commenting on the latest figures, Lucy said: “I'm pleased to see that more people are in work and am particularly pleased to see how youth unemployment has fallen this past year. Moving from unemployment to employment is a massive step and the positives to the individual are numerous. “A falling unemployment rate is a positive sign for Telford as it indicates that businesses are flourishing and the local economy is growing. More people being in work in Telford can only be a good thing.”